Sunday, June 29, 2008

;P =o) ;^)

im so exited!!1 my mom jsut took me 2 get sum stuff at the mall n i went o hot topic and got sum lik checkerboard rist bands. they're hot [ink and blak.
i ware ristbands all the time, and ppl at schol r so dum (coz theyre soo dum >:( ) ppl r lik "omg do u cut??" its lik, jsut coz im emo i cut myself. their so stupid.
yea but i say yea i do. so now i ware rist bands all the tiem. 1 time i 4got and ppl were lik "ware r ur cuts?" so i had to take a marker and draw them. its sooo anoying. when i came home my mom wass lik "y did u draw on ur arm?" and i was lik"FUK U IM EMO" and i got in troble.
no1 understands me!!!1

whats ^ with u guys???/

oh PS: here r sum song lyrics. JULIE i think ud rilly lik the song, its called "Vampires will never hurt you" by my chemecal romance. i made it red 4 u!!1

I'll never let them, I'll never let them
I'll never let them hurt you not tonight
I'll never let them, I can't forget them
I'll never let them hurt you, I promise
Struck down, before our prime
Before, you got off the floor
Can you stake my heart?
Can you stake my heart?

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havin fun on saturday

omg u guies!!!!

me and mi diana are having a sleep over tonight and we totally went down to mi citchen and had like 3 glasses of wine.  so WERe wasteD!  

i was telling her somthing that julie was saying about her girlfriend not being emo or goth or whatever and she was like, 

you have a friend who likes girls?

and i was like yeah

and she was like "some times i think i might like girls"

and i was like, really me too.  but i like totaly played it off real cool

then later she kissed me on the cheek.  

but like i havnt told anyone but you grls, and jocelin, but like is that cheating???  i mean diana is like mi best friend but i feel like it ment something like idk.  whaat do i do???????

someon help me         :/


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Worries Continue

so i like just got a llamada from Christine and everything started off fine, but she was a little distant. I asked her about it but she brushed it off. She says that nothing is going on and that she cant wait for me to come visit her later on in the summer. I still think that shes stuck on her ex. Apparently she went out with him and a bunch of friends as a return from gordo camp fiesta and like... i dont kno

she got mad when i kept pushing the issue and know i dont kno what to do

ew this long distance shit its kinda a puta

noche chicas



Worried Bout Her Ex

hey chichas!!

i saw that most of the gang had posted and i wasn't doing much, so im posting too! :D

anyway, i havented talked to Christine in like a while ( i can relate to julie cause see seems to be acting differently than she did at the fat camp in Mass.) I think shes beginning to talk to her ex-novio again, but i mean like, i dont know since im not there. (she lives in NC) Ive seen pics of him on her myspace, and hes an ok hottie. But i mean like im planning to go visit her and my papi doesnt have a problem sending me out there cause hes making bank!!! :D Im worried though cause i've told her that i love her, but she never says it back. Is that like a bad sign??

but im MUCHO cited for kim to come visit me!!!! were gonna have SO much fun. we gotta share all our gordo camp stories!! and it'll be good to get a break from your padres for a while!!

besos bitches!!



i dont even know what to say today, mi life is so lame right now! as much as i hated camp, at least it gave me something to do during the days.  Jocelyn is so buisy all the time for the past few days, shes applying to colleges.  shes trying to go to school in NYC to be closer to me:)  i was hoping she would try and do something like that.

mi moms work is sending her to some conference on monday in miami, and guess what? she told me i could go with her.  were going to stay for an extra two days to go shoping for new cloths, cus all mine dont fit any mor:)  mi mom was like, you dont need new cloths, we just bought you some before you went to camp! so i went to mi dad crying and i was like, dad i look like a hobo in these!!! so hese like making her go, or something.

everyone better be wishing jocelyn luck on her applications.

love ya grrls

xxoo kim


PISSED OFF!!!1 >:(

hey guys. :(. im rilly bummed rite now coz my parents (fuk them) r fuking pissing me off. they want to visit my aunt and uncle in nebraska, and we'd b leaving the day chloe gets bak from the outerbanks. so im not gonna see ehr lik at all this summer!!!!1
so my mom and i got in a huge fite n i was lik "U DONT UNDERSTEND ME"coz she dosent. and she was talkn abt how thats not tru, and how she dosent get wat i ware and thats abt it. and i wuz lik SEE, coz lik she jsut dosent understand emo clothes and make up. n so i was lik "i kno u h8 me coz im emo, but i dont care coz this is who i am n no1 has to understand me."
whateva, after i sed taht she was lik "no i jsut thikn u luk rideckruolous. (cant spell 4 shyt sry)." so i ran 2 my rm and did emo. fuk her!!!1
gud thing she dosent kno im bi 2!!!11 then she'd rilly h8 me. now im gona listen 2 sum MCR.
"im not oook. im not ooookkk." >:O
gerald way is so hot!!!11

btw chloe if ur reding this i miss u so much!!1

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Love Will Tear Us Apart

Hey, its julie. I've been having some trouble with Jessica. I love her but i hate love. i'm goth not emo. right? yeah. I think if me and jessica could die together and love each other in death, that would be rad. death is way rad. Anyway, Jessica tells me she loves me all the time and she acts really happy when she says it. I wish she could act like she did at fat camp. not happy. I'm starting to think that shes not a real goth. she doesn't wear all black. she wears like black pants and like a red shirt. black and red are good colors because they represent death but not the way she wears them. I dont know what to do. I've been trying to like read the satanic bible in order to find some guidance but i've had no luck yet. ugh.


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Friday, June 27, 2008

Kims first post

OMG im so happy that were doing this!!!  my name is kimberly, but people usually call me kimmy or kim.  i live like right outside NYC, my parents want to move to newport NJ, but im like WTF, im gon miss mi friends :( 


Anyway, this summer i went to camp empire lake, it was SO GAY(lol.) my parents forgot to mention to me that it was a weight loss camp, and seriously they didnt even try to find a good one, like i came home and looked up fat camps and it was like the first one to come up on google in mi aria.  

ok, a lil about me:  

im 16

im like 5'7",  more like 5'5" but dont tell

like 282lbs, but that was this morning

im adopted, and  i really do love my parents

mi mom works for a publishing firm, and im not really sure what mi dad dos, he works in the city.

oh and one more thing, while i was a camp i met a boi, who ended up bening an ass, then a girl... its a good stroy, ill add it later.  

      Jocelyn is 17 and a half, and shes so smart.  she lives in bostin, im going to visit her in like a month! so excited. 




Its All Bout ME, Putas!!

Hola peoples

So the chickies and me have started a new blog all bout our experiances at "weigth loss camp" (gordo-fat camp). I mean I dont kno. i had fun (even though the bitches took away my sidekick, but whateva.)

I met my novia there and thats what counts! :D But im like fucking pissed!!!!!!! Shes in the middle of goddamn now here (fucking North Carolina) while my puta ass is stuck here in la Florida. My papi keeps bitching at me though cause all i've been doing is sitting on my latina ass and missing Christine. No one knows about us though and we wanna keep it that way, so its on the dl for now peoples!!

so yeah im out, my mom is yelling at me cause i left the pool cover opened again. puta skank.

hasta later bitches!!!!!!


Victoria (Vikki)


first post

Hey biatches!!!

My name is L'taquanisha Jackson. Thats right, get over it. I go by Nisha tho. My girls kno my rule, so if you can't pronounce it, dont say it. I love me some fried chicken and black eyed peas, and cake, and some of them snickerdoodle shit. Anyways, my rich ass parents thought it would be a "good investment" to send me to some rainbow fat school cult shit and i was like WHAT, AH HELL NO!!!! .
I mean, before i went tho i had to look good, so i got my did and my nails tamed. Let me tell you tho, they was like arresting my ass as soon as i got there cuz they found some butter i was hidding in my pack. There ain't no way you can make no bacon without some real butter, you know?!!?. Anyways, thats when i mets my girl friend. Her name is Destani. She was hiddin some cholocate up in her backpack and let me tell you, she will neva run outta cholocate as long as im around! We was the only black girls there tho. Thats some segregation shit happenen right there.
I mean, i lost some weight over the weeks and when i came home my boyfriend was all up on me. My Black ass aint no wal-mart where you can get whatever you want whenever you want. Destani's commin to visit next week. If Ladarious dont step up and stop being a playa his ass is dumped. I gotta go now, there some cookies downstairs calling my name.


Ariel on ... Richmond

Ariel: What's with all the fucking Cobblestones?! Its like we're in the middle of the fucking Amazon!



hi i'm kayla. my freinds n i started this blog bcuz we met in an online community 4 fat camp bcuz we all went to fat camp AND we all met our girlfreinds their.
thsat;s right!!!!11 we're bi!!! i luv being bi. my parents dont know ,but fuk them. they don't understand me. oh yeah. by the way, i'm emo. i luv fall out boy, my chemical romance, and avril laveen.
my gfs name is chloe. she went to fat camp to. right now she's at the outer banks with her family. she's emo 2 and she h8s her family 2. i miss her sooooo muchhh!!!!1!
oh ya and i smoke cigs. i've smoked like 3 times, my parents dont know.
soooo ya this blog is just for me to talk about my parents (fuk them), chloe (<3) , and my weight loss (ew iv already gained like all my weight back).

thx for reading!!


Introduction By Julie

My name is Julie but my wicken friends call me "kill me now." I have just arrived in tuscon arizona, where i live, after spending 6 weeks in Christian Fat Camp. I hate God. I hated christian fat camp. The only good thing about it was that i am now bi. I met jessica while taking a walk. I was trying to talk to satan but it wasn't a full moon. Jessica is a goth, too. Her hair is so black, its beautiful. We would sneak out from our rooms and paint each others nails black. I miss her more than I missed my black lipstick. I'm going to go now and drown my sorrows and listen to some Cradle Of Filth. 

Ariel on ... emotions

Ariel: I drew a smiley face on Daniel's foot!
Daniel: Yeah, because I don't have feelings or anything.
Ariel: ... yes you do! See, you're smiling!


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ariel on ... "Ningel"

Ariel: I was trying to write "Nigel" but I fucked up! I forget the second "n" so it says "Ni-gelle"
Everyone else: You mean ... "Nigel"?


Ariel on ... Mos Def

Spring '07

Catherine: You like Mos Def, right?
Ariel: yeah
Catherine: See, you're whiter than me.
Ariel: Actually, I only use it in IM because I can't spell "definitely" [See: "defiantly," as in "Ariel defiantly likes air conditioning."]


Ariel on ... Political Socialization

Fall '07

Catherine: It's all of them except 'reproduce.' Think about it, you're not like in the middle of sex and thinking, 'Actually, I think I do like bush ...'
Ariel: ... well, if you're a lesbian you do.
